Global access to increasingly powerful, and ever cheaper Pay & Play Technology has led to a Tectonic Business Shift where Technology alone no longer provides a reliable competitive advantage.
Today's Competitive Advantage is created, And nowhere is the impact of Talent on a company more evident than in Japan. Japanese Business is characterized by deep interpersonal relationships, often arcane hierarchies, long and ambiguous time bridges along with linguistic and cross-cultural asymmetries, all of which directly affect and determine a company's Productivity and Performance.
Get your Talent right in Japan, and you'll enjoy a solidly performing business operation. And today, while acquiring and developing Top Talent is a difficult, and often expensive exercise even in the Talent-Rich Western Markets, it's many orders of magnitude more so in the Japan Talent Market.
Japan's highly competitive, Talent-Scarce Market serves up a seemingly endless array of challenges, and surprises which often present no clear pattern or resolution path. Together, all of these realities are reflected in Japan Recruiting Fees, which remain the highest in the world, along with long fill times and, an often lengthy and tenuous transition gap between offer acceptance, and the candidate's actual onboarding. |
Meanwhile, Talent Acquisition's companion, Talent Development, faces many unique challenges in Japan as well as serious questions regarding its effectiveness, impact, and associated costs even outside of Japan given the current standard fare of program offerings, and delivery approaches.
Japan is the one market where getting your Talent right, both Talent Acquisition as well as Talent Development matters the most to your company, operationally and financially.
Same Game. Different Name. I. Talent Acquisition
Even a cursory glance at Talent Solution vendors serving the Japan Market (including the Global Vendors) quickly reveals that the vast majority are actually contingency Recruiting Agencies which have relabeled their plain-vanilla recruiting services as "RPO" solutions (Recruitment Process Outsourcing), "MSP" services (Managed Services Provider), and HR Consulting solutions. Yet under the hood, the mechanics, process, and approach have not changed -- only the name of the services has. |
The inherent risk associated with this approach is further compounded when one realizes that Japan is the most complex, highest-touch RPO, MSP, and HR Consulting market in the world.
And while this relabeled approach to the Japan RPO, MSP, and HR Consulting market may sometimes work in the West or limp along in particular parts of Asia, it has long been the reason for the overall underperformance, and often stinging failure of RPO, MSP, and HR Consulting engagements in Japan.
And while this relabeled approach to the Japan RPO, MSP, and HR Consulting market may sometimes work in the West or limp along in particular parts of Asia, it has long been the reason for the overall underperformance, and often stinging failure of RPO, MSP, and HR Consulting engagements in Japan.
II. Talent Development
The Talent Development requirements in the Japan market are among the most demanding in the world. Yet most programs offered in the Japan market are a lift and shift of Western programs, and delivery methods leading to a very uneven learning, and development experience as well as large gaps in critical content coverage.
Due to the tectonic shifts in global business which have occurred over the last four years alone, much of this content is now considered threadbare even for its original home market while the foundational pedagogy, organizational frameworks, and delivery methodologies are often found lacking.
The Talent Development requirements in the Japan market are among the most demanding in the world. Yet most programs offered in the Japan market are a lift and shift of Western programs, and delivery methods leading to a very uneven learning, and development experience as well as large gaps in critical content coverage.
Due to the tectonic shifts in global business which have occurred over the last four years alone, much of this content is now considered threadbare even for its original home market while the foundational pedagogy, organizational frameworks, and delivery methodologies are often found lacking.
Talent OverDrive! offers Results-Driven Talent Solutions which have been specifically formulated, and tailored for Japan.
We've built our Talent Solutions from the ground up, purposefully designing, and meticulously architecting each aspect for the unique conditions, and challenges faced in the Japan Market.
Each engagement begins with understanding your needs and objectives, and then accelerating, optimizing or transforming your Talent Acquisition, Talent Development or Talent Transitions.
Our promise to you is simple, and rests on our Three Pillars:
1. Productivity.
2. Performance.
3. Profits.
Our proprietary, and proven Talent Solutions Methodology & System is used in all of our solutions, and engagements.
In addition, all of our Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, and Talent Management processes, and people adhere to Ethically-Grounded Recruiting Principles as defined and advocated by the Ethical Recruiting Alliance of which we are a founding member.
In addition, all of our Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, and Talent Management processes, and people adhere to Ethically-Grounded Recruiting Principles as defined and advocated by the Ethical Recruiting Alliance of which we are a founding member.